Maximising your Cel-Fi GO Setup Isolating the input (donor) and output (server) antenna/s from each other as much as possible is generally the key to achieving maximum performance from your Cel-Fi GO system. To get the most out of your Cel-Fi GO it is important to understand the concept of 'separation'. Essentially this is making sure that the input or 'donor' antenna does not see the output or 'server' antennas signal. This is generally done by utilising one or more of the below listed methods;
In a vehicle this could be done by using the metal roof or engine firewall as a barrier between the antennas. In a building, the roof will generally operate as shielding to isolate the antennas. Positioning the antennas at different levels (vertical separation) also assists with isolation. The range or coverage bubble created by the Cel-Fi (via the server antennas) is represented by the ‘BOOST’ number found in the WAVE App, with 7-9 being optimal in stationary conditions, and 6-8 expected in most mobile installations. In confined spacing it is expected you will see a lower 'BOOST' rating due to the antennas being closer together and thus harder to isolate. This applies to most vehicles but is especially true for small boats and caravans due to proximity and limited ability to obstruct the antennas. The best way to improve your 'BOOST' rating is to try different antenna positions when first installing your Cel-Fi Kit. The Cel-Fi WAVE App is required to assist with these next steps - it can be found for free download on both App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android).
BUILDING SET UP STEP 1 Move around the building with your mobile phone to get an idea where the strongest signal is. The more height that can be achieved for donor antenna placement the better the input signal strength will be. |
If you are using a directional antenna it is important to try align the antenna with the source of the signal. The WAVE app can assist with this with it's built in 'Antenna Positioning Test'. To view your exact signal level use the WAVE App and check the Donor RSRP (4G) / Donor RSCP (3G) or signal bars on the Network Strength. |
STEP 3 The system works at optimal boost and has the largest coverage area when the antennas are isolated from each other as much as possible. Generally, the further you move the antennas apart the larger the boost will be meaning the coverage area will also be larger. Try to use solid objects such as a roof or walls to help with isolation. The boost is represented by a 0-9 indicator in the WAVE App, with 9 being the highest. |
VEHICLE SETUP Isolating the antennas from each other (via obstruction) is the key, this is more important in vehicles where antenna separation is only a few metres. The setup below is with the external antenna in the center of the roof (Magnetic Base). The indoor antenna is then moved around in different positions and you can see the Boost figure in light red changing as a result. The dB figure represents the boosted signal on the phone (-63dB was the best signal and -92 the worse). You will notice the higher the boost number, the better the signal level. Generally in a large vehicle (ute/SUV/4x4) best placement of antennas is front left bull-bar mounting for donor (input) and low in the driver foot-well for server (output) with the Cel-Fi placed where preferred (usually under the passenger seat). This set up utilises distance (diagonal separation on both horizontal and vertical planes) but primarily relies on shielding provided by the firewall, engine block and bonnet to 'hide' the output signal. Typical set up in a sedan sees the donor being placed on the rear end of the roof with the server antenna placed towards the front of the vehicle, inline (horizontally) and on the opposite side of the donor; using the roof to provide shielding. Antenna placement tends to vary from vehicle to vehicle and is best to be experimented with using the WAVE App as an indicator for where best to place the server (output) antenna. The place that provides the highest 'BOOST' rating is usually the most ideal. |