Load balancing is done on Reyee Router through eWeb system (Click How to login to eWeb for instructions)
- Go to Wireless > Wi-Fi > Load Balancing > Add
There are two different ways we can load balance
- Based on Clients numbers:
First, we need to set the number of clients to trigger load balancing in any single AP. Then set the difference count between the associated AP and the AP with lowest clients.
So with the numbers set in the below example, if AP-1 has 5 clients and AP-2 has 2 clients which means the difference is 3, then the 6th client trying to establsih connection to the network will not be able to access AP-1 and will be forced to connect AP-2.
Although if the 6th client is outside the coverage area of AP-2 then after 10 attempts AP-1 will allow the connection.
In the Members section add the APs you want to apply load balancing. - Based on traffic:
First, we need to set the amount of traffic to trigger load balancing in any single AP. Then set the difference between the associated AP and the AP with lowest traffic.
So with the settings in the below example, if AP-1 is carrying traffic around 600kbps and AP-2 is carrying 50kbps which means the difference is more than 500kbps, then any new client trying to establish a connection to the network will not be able to access AP-1 and will be forced to connect AP-2.
Although if the new client is outside the coverage area of AP-2 then after 10 attempts AP-1 will allow the connection.
** An AP can only support on load balancing type at a time.